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Early Childhood Programs

Lynne Linnartz, Director of Early Childhood Programs

Lynne has over 40 years teaching music to children ages 2-5. She is a licensed Kindermusik Educator and believes in the power of music to heal and bond groups.


If you would like KCC to bring music and theatre programs to your daycare, pre-k program or nursery school please email us by clicking the button below.

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Make sure you have many ideas for activities. If you are working with a group doing creative movement, make a play together for 5 minutes, then transition and sing some songs, then transition and read them a story. It's all about enriching them while acknowledging their fragile attention spans!

20 minutes!

Performing Arts classes for little ones should not be longer than 20 minutes. If you do need to work with a group for longer, make sure to have a section where they can do some quiet, reflective work like drawing or coloring, or where you read to them from a children's book.

get on their level!

When working with this age it is very important to get on the floor, be prepared to get a little dirty (don't wear tight or your fanciest clothes!), make eye contact with them not from on high but at their level and teach from a model of validation. Say yes to their creative ideas. We are building a foundation for them to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and their hearts.

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